Ticket Dismissal
Ticket dismissal and point dismissal are often confused and mean different things entirely. Ticket dismissal can only occur in cases where a driver can show the court or officer that they were abiding by the law. The way that this usually occurs is by contesting the ticket in court and winning your case. At these times, the traffic ticket is dropped.
Point Dismissal
Since the addition of points on a license can eventually result in the suspension of your driver's license. For this reason, people frequently utilize point dismissal. In order to dismiss the points that you would receive from a ticket, a driver will have to opt to take a basic driver improvement course. Accumulating 12 points within a 12 month period can result in a 30 day suspension of your license. Common moving violations often come with 3 point penalties assessed to your license. See the full list of driving violations and points.
Traffic School Overview
If you have received a ticket and you have not taken a driver improvement course within the past 12 months, you have the opportunity to attend traffic school. Upon the successful completion of the course, you will need to present the completion certificate to the county clerk where you received the citation so that the points will not be entered on your license.
Basic Driver Improvement (BDI Course)
A BDI course is required to be 4 hours in length and must be approved by the state of Florida. The course is meant to teach drivers defensive driving techniques and covers topics such as crash prevention, dynamics of a crash, DUI prevention, general Florida traffic laws and more. One of the best and most efficient ways to complete your Florida traffic school is online! With top-notch eLearning technology available, it is easier than ever to complete the requirement and keep your record clean.
If you've completed traffic school, Click here to verify that the state of Florida has acknowledged your completion.